Design online or order your Rx Pads!
Design Online
Design your Rx online and get instant proof.
Orders ship as early as the next day.
Standard is 2-3 business days.
Ground shipping rates are one day transit to most Florida addresses.
All logos will be printed in grayscale.
For color logos, please request special pricing.
Order Online
Professional artist creates design Emailed Proof
within 2 days.
After approval, Orders ship as early as the next day.
Standard is 2-3 business days.
Ground shipping rates are one day transit to most Florida addresses.
All logos will be printed in grayscale.
For color logos, please request special pricing.
We are an Approved Counterfeit-Proof Prescription Printing Company
Suspendisse potenti Phasellus euismod libero in neque molestie et mentum libero maximus. Etiam in enim vestibulum suscipit sem quis molestie nibh.
Florida Prescription Laws require State Approved Rx Pads
DO NOT BUY FROM A MIDDLE MAN. At we ARE print manufacturers. We have been in the commercial and medical print business for over 35 years, working with a number of the largest and most prestigious health care institutions and prescribers throughout the state! We prepare your pads and laser sheets the way you want them, print and ship all from our secure facility right here in Royal Palm Beach, Florida. And you do not have to wait a week to get your Prescription Pads or Laser Sheets. Get them as soon as the day after you approve the design or place your order!
Place your Order Today!
Call us for more information at (561) 790-0884.
Or email us by clicking on this link
2 Names 3 Locations
Safety Secure Guard Paper 1 Part & Safety Secure Guard Paper 2 Parts
2 Names 2 Locations
Safety Secure Guard Paper 1 Part & Safety Secure Guard Paper 2 Parts
1 Name 3 Locations
Safety Secure Guard Paper 1 Part & Safety Secure Guard Paper 2 Parts
1 Name 1 Location
Safety Secure Guard Paper 1 Part & Safety Secure Guard Paper 2 Parts
Effective July 1, 2018, section 456.44, Florida Statutes, was amended to require health care practitioners who prescribe controlled substance to indicate directly on the prescription pad if the prescription is for the treatment of pain other than acute pain. The bill specifically states the prescriber must indicate “NONACUTE PAIN” on a prescription for an opioid drug listed as a Schedule II controlled substance or indicate “ACUTE PAIN EXCEPTION” if the prescription is for the treatment of acute pain with exceptions as specified in section 456.44, Florida Statutes.
To assist in the implementation of this bill, the State of Florida Department of Health, Division of Medical Health Assurance created a sample prescription pad to include a place for health care practitioners to indicate “NONACUTE PAIN” or “ACUTE PAIN EXCEPTION” when appropriate.
As an approved Counterfeit-Proof Prescription Pad Vendor we are required to add this indicator to new prescription pads produced for health care practitioners who prescribe controlled substances in Florida. Health care practitioner are not required to destroy prescription pads already purchased. They can hand write the words “NONACUTE PAIN” or “ACUTE PAIN EXCEPTION” directly on the prescription pad until they are ready to reorder.