State of Florida Medications that require Counterfeit Proof Prescription Pads

Please access the PDF file to see the medications on the (DRUG ABUSE PREVENTION AND CONTROL Chapter 893.03 ) State of Florida's list of required counterfeit proof prescription pads. These Rx forms come in pads of 25, 50 or 100, or as sheets you can print in your laser printer.

Access a PDF file of the Medications List

Use our secure website to order your pads today and have them delivered safely and quickly. Most times within a day or two. Call us for more information at (561) 790-0884. Or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Logo

11420 Okeechobee Boulevard | Royal Palm Beach, Florida 33411
561-790-0884 | E-mail Us

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